Vision, Mission and Values

Our vision

To become a global brand of excellence in development finance through integration, alignment and facilitation of synergies between partners to enable economic transformation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Our Mission

Maximize the developmental impact and productivity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through:

Becoming a full-service Development Finance Institution that will offer a broad range of financing solutions and crowd-in the private sector to support economic development.


Implementing international best practice by providing world-class strategic advice and oversight to promote and maximize social and economic development and impact.


Promoting collaboration between entities through fostering multisectoral partnerships and common services.


Mobilizing private sector finance and expertise to sustainably grow and diversify the economy.


Continuously improving productivity by ensuring efficiency and effectiveness of programs, projects and initiatives.


Our Values


Identify areas for complementarity and collaboration to foster development partnerships across sectors.


Value each public and private partner equally.


Create a culture of staff excellence to provide outstanding services to clients.


Focus on evidence to drive decision-making.


Increase the scale, reach, and impact of each program, project and initiative.


Respond quickly and effectively to new social, economic, and development challenges and needs.

Financial Sustainability

Manage finances efficiently to ensure development programs are sustained into the future.

Success Stories

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